3. Sustaining Your Improvement Efforts: Reporting Using a Storyboard
What is it and how will it help?
Storyboards are a useful tool for effectively presenting a team’s work to a variety of audiences — other groups within the organization, other organizations, and to the larger community. The aim of a storyboard is to create an attractive display that will attract observers and clearly communicate the main points of your display and tell your improvement story. Sometimes referred to as an A3 tool, it guides the team and reader through a logical progression of the improvement process; outlining the background situation, current situation, problems and why they occur, what has been tried, and what happened as a result of the change.
Need more information?
Guidelines for the Development of Quality Improvement Storyboards A brief overview of storyboards and how they are used and developed. The appendix links include some real-life examples from public health in the US. |
“A3” - the basic Problem Solving Tool Beginning on slide 17, this Lean-focused PowerPoint presentation goes through the A3 tool in detail, and uses group work activities to illustrate components of the story. |
A3 Worksheet A worksheet for laying out an organization's context and plan. |