Looking for a family doctor?
- Visit the Health Connect Registry to connect with family doctors within the Primary Care Network (PCN) in your community.
- Ask your family or friends to introduce you to their own family doctor. Sometimes a doctor may take you on referral from an existing patient.
- If you are visiting another health care provider, such as a specialist, ask them if they know of family doctors who are accepting patients.
- If you are visiting a walk-in clinic or Urgent and Primary Care Center, ask the doctor if they would be willing to take you on as a patient.
Provincial Divisions of Family Practice office
The central resource team supports Divisions with operational and strategic direction, learning and development, systems support and training, and communications.
Primary Care Transformation Partners (PCTPs) are trusted advisors that support local and regional initiatives of the FPSC through close relationships with the local Divisions of Family Practice and in in the primary care partnership space with health authority and Indigenous partners. This includes supporting interdivisional strategic tables, regional division leadership meetings, collaborative services committees, and primary care network planning and implementation.
Contact the provincial office
- For inquiries about Divisions of Family Practice please email divisions@doctorsofbc.ca
- For inquiries about Primary Care Networks please email pcn@doctorsofbc.ca
(Please note that provincial office staff are not able to connect patients to family doctors)
115 - 1665 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V6J 5A4
Ph: 604 736-5551
Toll free: 1 800 665-2262
Central Resource Team
Program Leads
Nikita Soares Director, Partnerships and Collaboration |
Lucas Parker Manager, Provincial Divisions Initiative |
Marina McBride Manager, Partnerships and Division Supports |
Rochelle Le Sueur Manager, Provincial PCN Initiative |
Jennifer Killam Senior Communications Manager |
Alison Ashbaugh Communications Coordinator |