3 Year Strategic Plan
Focus Areas
Supporting Family Physicians and Nurse Practitioners
- Create robust mechanisms to hear and act on concerns from members to decrease stressors and encourage work-life balance
- Sustain and enhance quality, local Continuing Medical Education (CME) opportunities for a diversity of practices/interests/Transition provision of CME to align with new Rural CME model
- Evaluate how Information Management/Information Technology (IMIT) can be leveraged to support primary care.
Addressing Upstream Issues/Prevention
- Sustain current upstream/prevention initiatives
- Health Promotion
- Children and Youth Mental Health
- Social Determinants of Health
How We Deliver Care: Team Based Care
- Support development of team-based care
- Improve/increase collaborative care
- Bolster support and ensure sustainability of the Doctor of the Day program
- Enhance care of elderly
- Coordinate after hours care and access
Leadership, Partnership & Collaboration
- Provide local leadership
- Increase profile of the Division
- Sustain and enhance partnerships