Comox Valley Division of Family Practice

Finding a Primary Care in the Comox Valley

Residents of the Comox Valley, including Denman and Hornby Islands who do not have a family doctor or nurse practitioner:

  • Register with the Health Connect Registry – a provincial primary care waitlist – you will be contacted when a family doctor or nurse practitioner is available.

In the meantime, if you need to see a doctor, please go to one of the walk-in clinics listed on Pathways Medical Care Directory; listed under "Find Care" search bar. There is one clinic in the area that offers walk-in services and an After-Hours Urgent Care Clinic for urgent primary care needs. The First Nations Doctor of the Day program is another option for Indigenous members of our community.

Medical Care Directory

A list of Comox Valley Family Doctors can be found on the Pathways Medical Care Directory. Names and towns are searchable and Doctor information includes contact info, clinic hours, and virtual appointment services.

Central Referral Mechanism

The Central Referral Mechanism (CRM) has been transferred to the Health Connect Registry. People looking for a family doctor or nurse practitioner in the Comox Valley, including Denman and Hornby Islands, can register themselves or be assisted with the registration. People can also visit the Pathways Medical Care Directory for a list of doctors accepting new patients; they will be listed under the "Find Care" search bar.

Pathways is provided through the Family Practitioner Services Committee (FPSC), a joint collaboration between Doctors of BC and the BC government. Individual Divisions of Family Practice also contribute operational funding at a local level.

For a full list of family practice and walk-in clinics in the Comox Valley, visit Our Clinics.