Surrey-North Delta Division of Family Practice

PCN And Your Practice

PCN For Physicians

BC’s primary health care system is undergoing a transformation, and Family Physicians are vital to its success.

The Divisions of Family Practice are working with partners including the FPSC, Doctors of BC and the BC Ministry of Health to create a system that improves access to high- quality, long-term, comprehensive primary care for patients, while also prioritizing the leadership, well-being and job satisfaction of Family Physicians.

Primary Care Networks are at the heart of this new primary care system.

Learn more below about how Primary Care Networks in Surrey and North Delta will impact your practice, and about how you can be prepared to participate.

To find out how you can play an active role in our PCN implementation, contact Saira Abrar.


"PCN Social Work Program"

"PCN Clinical Counselling"

"PCN Clinical Pharmacist"


--> Questions? Read our Surrey-North Delta PCN FAQ Document