Thompson Region Division of Family Practice

What if I do not have a primary care provider?

Please visit a walk-in clinic to initiate a referral to a maternity care provider, as well as for any healthcare needs.

It is important you have a primary care provider for ongoing healthcare for you and your family following your delivery. If you do not have a primary care provider, local area residents can call 8-1-1 to be placed on the Kamloops Primary Care Waitlist. We encourage you to call early in your pregnancy even if you are being cared for by a maternity care provider.

The Kamloops Primary Care Waitlist was created in November 2016 and is being managed by HealthLinkBC (8-1-1) for people in the Kamloops area who are looking for a family doctor and do not currently have one. The process of connecting people on the waitlist will take some time, and your patience is appreciated. Once additional physicians and nurse practitioners are brought into Kamloops, you will be contacted.

Walk-In Clinics


Kamloops Urgent Care Clinic 4-910 Columbia St W, Kamloops