Surrey-North Delta Division of Family Practice

Dr. Sujatha Nilavar | Co-chair

Dr. Sujatha Nilavar

Having practiced longitudinal family medicine in Surrey-North Delta for six years, Dr. Nilavar’s medical career has been diverse in both scope and geography.  

Dr. Nilavar has practiced medicine in Miami, New York, Washington, Connecticut and Ohio, where she grew up. She has performed surgeries and worked with US Army veterans. Through all of these experiences, one of the things that has impacted her has been working within a patient medical home and the opportunity that Family Physicians have to be advocates not only for patient health but for community wellness as well.  

In addition to serving as Co-chair for the Surrey-North Delta Division Board of Directors, Dr. Nilavar is on the Division’s Physician Recruitment, Wellness and Retention Committee, is a delegate with BC Family Doctors and is participating in a Fraser Health initiative that is creating awareness and resources about physician wellness.  

Her current passion is finding ways to facilitate connections between physicians that go beyond referring patients to one another.  

When she has free time, Dr. Nilavar likes to cook, hike and spend time with her three children.