Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice

Your Doc Is In

Your Doc Is IN


May 2021 | A Community Health Message with Dr. Nattana Dixon-Warren


Has it been a while since your last check-up?...

We reached out to Dr. Dixon-Warren, local family physician at Salmo Wellness Centre, for her thoughts on the importance of continuing to seek care for all health issues during COVID-19.

“Your health is always important. If you have a concern or question talk to your family doctor or nurse practitioner. All our regular health needs are just as important during the pandemic. Know that your medical community is here for you.”

This includes preventative care. Dr. Dixon-Warren shares the example of cancer screening and diagnoses: "across BC the numbers dropped 20% at the start of COVID. The implication is, while screening numbers are back up, there is still a concern about potentially catching cancers later when they are more advanced." Early detection saves lives.


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  • Health concern or question?
  • Due for a pap test?
  • Need your prostate checked?
  • New or ongoing health issue?

Don’t put it off. Kootenay Boundary family doctors and nurse practitioners are here for you - by phone, video, and in-person. 

For a list of local clinics, including walk-in options for patients who don’t currently have a practitioner, visit our KB Clinics Listing > 



Dr. Nattana Dixon-Warren wears many hats including Primary Care Physician in Salmo, Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital Senior Medical Director, and hospitalist.

She places great importance on supporting local families and describes the four bundles of family medicine as running a clinic, delivering babies, helping out with hospital/facility services, and using special skills in the community.

“I’ve always enjoyed the variety of longitudinal care. It is unbelievably satisfying,” says Dr. Dixon-Warren about her role as a family doctor.



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