Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice

Looking for a Family Practitioner

Looking for a family practitioner

Register to find a Family Practitioner in Kootenay Boundary

The Health Connect Registry is the most efficient way to find a family doctor or nurse practitioner in the region. Once registered, you'll be contacted directly when a primary care provider is available. 

Please refrain from contacting clinics directly. For equity & efficiency, clinics are working from the centralized Health Connect Registry & will refer anyone calling to self-register using the link below.

Register today at kbhcr.ca >


Resources to Support Your Health Care Needs

Explore a listing of health care resources to support Kootenay Boundary patients who don't currently have a primary care provider - from the 'See Your Pharmacist' program to MSP-covered virtual primary care options, screening services & more - this list can help to navigate & access care . 

Explore the Resource Listing >