Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice

Gender Affirming Care Survey

Gender Affirming Care Survey

**Please note this survey is now closed. Thank you for your input.**
Help us support gender diverse care in Kootenay Boundary.
We are currently exploring opportunities to bring together health professionals and patients, families, friends to understand how we can better meet the needs of gender diverse people in our area. 
We have created a confidential short survey to gather experiences in accessing health care, services, and supports in our communities. Input will help to determine ways in which care for people with diverse gender identities could be enhanced in Kootenay Boundary.
We warmly invite anyone with personal experience to share their thoughts, and invite you to please share this survey with anyone you think would be interested in contributing their input.


Click here to take the survey


*Survey Closes: September 30th, 2021*

Please note that participation is voluntary. The confidentiality of all collected information will be maintained. You may withdraw from the survey at any time. No personal information will be associated with any input provided.

For all additional information, please follow the survey link.

If you have any questions, please contact project evaluator Leila Dale at ldale@divisionsbc.ca.

We gratefully acknowledge the input of all participants.


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