Shared Care
The Division works with Shared Care on multiple projects within our communities looking to address challenges in access, transitions, communication, and attachment. We are thankful for the collaborative efforts of our physicians, nurse practitioners, midwives, nurses, health authority, and community partners who have a hand in making our goals for these projects a reality.
Current Projects
Palliative Care
This project focuses on improving the palliative journey for patients and increasing communication between palliative providers. This include goals such as developing a system for attaching palliative patients to family physicians, as well as hosting public education sessions around topics related to palliative care.
This project began in early 2017, and focuses on providing education and care for expecting and new mothers, as well as increasing collaboration between physicians, local midwifes and obstetricians.
In summer 2018, the project launched the local maternity website The website provides local information on maternity care as well as on community resources for mothers and new families.
The project has also recently launched the 8-week Chilliwack Childbirth Program, which aims to provide low-barrier, subsidized (referral-based), provider-led perinatal group education.
Chronic Pain
The Chronic Pain Project launched in June 2019 with a large event of health professionals who joined together to discuss the current state of the local chronic pain system. They highlighted certain project goals, such as addressing stigma, increasing team-based care, addressing the lack of available resources for chronic pain patients, and offering more options for patient and provider education.
The project will be working with the Chilliwack Medical Staff Association initiative (CMSAi), the Eastern Fraser Valley Pain collaboration (EFVPC), Fraser Health, and various other health professionals, patients, and caregivers to improve resources and knowledge, and increase collaborative team-based pain care practice in Chilliwack and Fraser Health Rural.
Adult Mental Health & Substance Use
This project works to address the challenges around access, collaboration, communication, and roles and responsibilities related to Adult Mental Health & Substance Use. The project is developing prototypes to model a new way to deliver integrated team-based care for patients dealing with mental health & substance use challenges.
Past Projects
Child and Youth Mental Health and Substance Use (CYMHSU)
The Child and Youth Mental Health and Substance Use Collaborative was a project designed to improve the child and youth mental health service continuum by engaging youth and families. The Division coordinated two Local Action Teams in Chilliwack and the Fraser Cascade (Agassiz-Harrison, Hope and the Fraser Canyon communities) which had three objectives:
1) Education and Awareness;
2) Integration of services; and
3) Cultural inclusion
The project also accomplished numerous trainings sessions, education and support groups, keynote speaker events, and a Calm Area in the CGH ER waiting room.
Medical Imaging
This project aimed to improve communication between family physicians and the medical imaging department by enhancing the referral process, improving requisitions and reducing congestion and waitlists.
The project hosted MOA Tours and Talks in the medical imaging department and GP Dine and Learn sessions to discuss appropriateness and red flags in imaging. It also developed a new requisition form that launched in January 2017 which has significantly improved the referral process.