Additional Resources
Members who have already purchased UpToDate can apply to be reimbursed if done so within 30 days of sign-up. Email UpToDate Customer Service or phone 1-800-998-6374
For Everything That Concerns Health (FETCH)
The Fetch website includes a huge number of resources available to Sunshine Coast residents including: Health Services, Mental Health / Counselling, Substance Use / Addictions, Condition Specific Support, Low Income / Support, Children, Youth & Families, Education & Employment and more. Check out FETCH, your go-to destination for information on local health services.
BC 211
BC 211 is a Vancouver-based nonprofit organization that specializes in providing information and referral regarding community, government and social services in BC. You can visit BC 211 by visiting their website and entering the type of service you are seeking and your community. The service will provide you with information. Alternatively, you can call their operators for assistance at number 2-1-1.
Newly Pregnant?
The Sunshine Coast Maternity Care Group offers full spectrum care for pregnancy, birth and postpartum for families from Langdale, Gibsons, Roberts Creek, Sechelt, Halfmoon Bay and Pender Harbour.
Dr. Rayna Sivakova - Gibsons Medical Clinic 604-886-2868
Dr. Julie Baxter - Sechelt Medical Clinic 604-885-2257
Dr. Jack Bryson - Sechelt Medical Clinic 604-885-2257
Dr. Edward (Ted) Krickan - Cowrie Medical Clinic 604-670-6222
Lehe Spiegelman, RM MSc 604-603-0477
Amanda Reid, RM BSC(H) BSCN 778-837-2333
Using Your E.R. Wisely
- Review and share this guide to whether to use the emergency room or another alternative.
- The Dementia Roadmap is a helpful document that supports family understanding of the progression of dementia in loved ones.
- Palliative Care Information Brochure
- 2022 Palliative & End of Life Care on the Sunshine Coast - A scan of current and future needs
Mental Health & Substance Use - Sunshine Coast
Mind Space Skills for Wellbeing
- Be Kind to your Mind with Dr. Suzanne Walter & Dr. Rahul Gupta
- Dr Suzanne Walter and Dr Rahul Gupta are facilitating a CBT Skills Foundations In Person Group
- Mindfulness Group Medical Visits for Adults
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Skills Groups
- Are you coping with anxiety, depression? You're not alone
- Parenting Support for Rural & Remote Communities
- Are you pregnant or have young children? Interested in mental health skills training?