qathet Division of Family Practice

Doctor Resources

Click here for the list of CME/CPD opportunities from September 2024 through February 2025.

Please click any heading to expand/collapse that section.

Psychology Resources & Physician Wellness

Resources to promote physician wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic and overall physician wellness are available on a separate page HERE.

Cultural Safety

sanyas logo.pngSan'yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training

At the qathet Division of Family Practice, we strengthen our community inclusiveness by fostering a respectful attitude and partnership, both directly and indirectly, with Indigenous people. We strongly believe in Indigenous advocacy and promoting awareness of cultural diversity within our community. Please find the link HERE to the San'yas Cultural Safety Training Webinar.

Chronic Pain Resources

As part of a Shared Care-funded Chronic Pain project, several resources have been developed to support physicians and their patients who suffer from Chronic Pain.

Palliative Care Resources

A collection of resources, videos and conversations to consider starting stemming from our recent project to improve all areas of palliative care in our community.

Advanced Care Planning Resources
  • Conversation Starter Kit The Conversation Starter Kit is a booklet designed to help people talk about their wishes for end-of-life care.
  • Nidus - Personal planning resource centre and registry
How to Have Good Goals of Care Discussions

On November 7, 2016, Dr. Bernacki provided online video education about the serious illness conversation guide, a simple tool developed by Harvard Medical School to perform a goals of care discussion.

Videos of the education session can be found online here. Resources from the presentation are below:

Palliative Care Video Series

We also have a YouTube channel with numerous videos on Palliative Care. These videos cover a variety of topics, but all contain important information to help all those involved in Palliative Care.

Click HERE to be directed to the qathet Division YouTube channel.

Breast Diagnostics Algorithm

This document is an algorithm flowchart developed for physicians by physicians in our community to help navigate the process surrounding breast diagnostics.

7 Numbers for Seniors

This is a helpful tool for your patients and all residents of qathet to help keep all of their important numbers in one place. Find a printable version below if you need additional copies for your office.

7 Numbers for Seniors

Using your Emergency Room Wisely

This is a very useful poster to help your patients use the wonderful health care resources in our town most effectively. It lays out different resources and what they should be used for, as well as phone numbers for help lines. Find a printable version for your clinic or office below.

Health Care Resource Map

Finding the Right Fit for Your Practice

This booklet is a resource for both the new physician looking to join a practice and the recruiting physician looking to find a new physician to join their practice.

Succession Planning Toolkit

This document is a toolkit for physicians who are planning to transition out of family practice. It is a practical guide that outlines the steps required to hand over your practice to a new physician or close up your practice.

Fetch - For Everything That's Community Health


Fetch connects Powell River and qathet to many of the health care services that are available all around our city and our province! For information and contact information on the services available to you and your patients, come take a look at Fetch HERE!



UpToDate is an award-winning online clinical decision support resource, available to Divisions of Family Practice members for use in individual practices at no cost to the individual physician. Visit your local Division website to become a division member and access more than 10,000 peer-reviewed topics in 21 specialties from international and Canadian authors, as well as drug information, medical calculators, and patient information sheets. All UpToDate topic searches are CME eligible for registered users.

The Divisions of Family Practice provincial office is ​also offering students and residents no-cost access to UpToDate through the Student/Resident site until March 31, 2025.

How to access UpToDate

To access UpToDate, go to or to your local division homepage, log in and click on the UpToDate menu item on the top navigation bar. For more detailed instructions, see how to access UpToDate or contact the UpToDate support team for assistance.

Use it on your mobile device

UpToDate Anywhere, an application which allows users to access UpToDate on mobile devices, is also available to those with an iPhone, iPad, Android device, or Windows 8 tablet.

Already purchased UpToDate?

Members who have already purchased UpToDate can apply to be reimbursed if done so within 30 days of sign-up. Email UpToDate Customer Service or phone 1-800-998-6374 for further information.