How to Become a Member

Become a Member of the SOS Division


Members of the SOS Division work together to achieve common healthcare goals, strengthen primary care, develop programs of value to our local primary care community, and improve patient care.

To become a general member or an associate member, fill out this Join Now form.

For more information, contact Jessie MacBurney, Recruitment Coordinator at

Who can become a Member or Associate Member?


General Member

Family physicians and nurse practitioners practising in our communities in any capacity, such as clinical practice, walk-in clinics, locum services, and in specialized services such as emergency, can become general members of the SOS Division.


Associate Member

Specialists, family medicine residents, and midwives can become associate members in our Division, and are important partners in working with family physicians and nurse practitioners to improve primary care in our communities.

Membership in the South Okanagan Similkameen Division of Family Practice is free of charge.


Benefits of Membership

Being a member of a Division offers many potential benefits, including:

  • Shared efforts to provide full-spectrum primary care.
  • Greater impact on the organization of local and regional health services around a Division practice area.
  • Improved access to health authority and specialist services.
  • Enhanced professional collegiality and access to physician health and wellness programs.
  • Shared efforts for recruitment, retention, and locums.
  • Support from colleagues in caring for complex or unattached patients.
  • Reliable assistance with duties historically falling to call groups, such as scheduling and meeting organization.
  • Strong financial and practice support for information technology programs and pilot projects.
  • Financial support for time contributed to working groups.
  • Support for continuing medical education and other Division events.
  • Free subscription to UpToDate (available only to physicians and nurse practitioners at this time).

All members of the South Okanagan Similkameen Division of Family Practice are invited to participate in our committees and initiatives.