Thompson Region Division of Family Practice

MicroBlogging MD Launched!

MicroBlogging MD Launched!

March has seen the beginning of a new technology being adopted across the physician community. MBMD (MicroBlogging MD)  – the secure messaging app that supports communication with consultations by sharing data, instructions, photos, patient information and more - officially launched at RIH on March 15. Earlier this month, training was provided to nursing and administration staff throughout the facility. 

In order to provide Division members with an effective and efficient first experience on the app, an official training session and engagement event will be held later this month. Prior to the launch, further information and training can be coordinated through Shelley Breen.

The MBMD app was officially launched at Kelowna General Hospital and was originally seen as a pager replacement tool.  Since then, functionality of the mobile app and its desktop version has grown, providing many features attractive to the health community. MBMD is currently being implemented in 6 of the 7 Divisions of Family Practice in the Interior, and has also seen recent uptake in the Fraser and Northern Health Authorities.

Click here to view the Quick Start Guide >