Campbell River and District Division of Family Practice


Pregnant in Campbell River & District Website

We are excited to announce that the new Pregnant in Campbell River and District website is now live!! 

The content of this website is specific to life on the North Island, and was written by local family physicians, Obstetricians and midwives, and reviewed by local parents!  

The Making Mama Well Podcasts - by Dr. Phillipa (Pip) Houghton

Dr. Houghton is releasing a set of 10 limited series podcasts to discuss common perinatal mental health issues.

Her website is where you can listen to the podcast through several different platforms. She interviews a local mama with lived experience in each episode. There are 3 released to date, with approximately one new release per week for a total of 10.

Emotional Support Resources

Child & Youth Mental Health / Suicide Resources

Primary Care and Addictions Outreach Team

As part of the response to COVID-19 an outreach team has been working to help address care gaps for vulnerable and unsheltered people in Campbell River in the context of the current pandemic. The team has been following a set schedule to provide outreach to various locations in Campbell River in collaboration with the MOUHSS (Mobile Outreach Unit for Health and Support Services). The MOUHSS (“Moose”) is a project created by the Kwakiutl District Council (KDC) and supported by the Division of Family Practice as well as other local sponsors. Services on board the mobile unit at present include social work, counselling, nursing (primary care nursing and connection to positive wellness), GP for urgent primary care (including COVID screening and swabbing) and addiction treatment.   

For more information, including a copy of the schedule, please click here.

Shaw Spotlight has also created a video regarding the work that Leanne & the Moose offer Campbell River - Click here to watch the video

Overdose Emergency Response: