Physician wanted to join an energetic group of 5 physicians in Rossland to replace retiring physician. Diverse patient population in an active community.
- Clinic work can be full-time or part-time which allows for ample time to enjoy the recreational advantages of Rossland life
- Work variety is also available through opportunities in the medical community such as hospitalist shifts, ER shifts, GP paediatrics, GP obstetrics, OR assists and other specialized GP services
- Clinic has three exam rooms, and is staffed with three MOAs and an office manager
- IntraHealth Profile EMR
- Hours of work: 9-5 flexible, evening clinics on Wednesdays
- On call requirements: TBD
Fee for Service: Estimated Gross Income $240,000
Overhead: 65/35 in office; 92/8 for hospital billings; potential to buy in and reduce overhead
Rural Incentives*:
- Recruitment incentive, $15,000
- Retention fee premium, 11.62%
- Retention flat fee, $9,914.40
- Relocation funding $15,000
- Rural Continuing Medical Education: $440 - 2 years or less, $2,640 3-4 years and $4,840 - 4+ years
- Retention incentives - must live and work in RSA community for 9 months of the year and bill $65,000 or greater in MSP billings for the previous calendar year
- Incentives and benefits are as per current Ministry of Health and Interior Health policies and are subject to change
* Rates as at: 09/01/16