Article on SOS Division medication wastage study published in BC Medical Journal

As part of their work on the Residential Care Initiative, South Okanagan Similkameen Division doctors began undertaking meaningful medication reviews in local facilities. The resulting changes to patients’ prescriptions caused an increase in the number of medications being returned to pharmacies for disposal—an issue physicians soon realized could be solved by a simple policy change impacting how medications are ordered during the prescribing process.

Residents immerse themselves in rural medicine


Dr James Card believes that if you train medical residents in rural communities, they will stay.

That’s the premise of the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Rural Immersion Program, which started July 1, 2024, and offers a different twist to a traditional residency. Rather than placing learners in large referral centres with some rotation in a smaller community, residents learn in a smaller community and visit specialists in larger hubs when needed.

Truth & Reconciliation

Monday, September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, which honours survivors of residential schools, the children who never returned home, and their families and communities. It is also a day to reflect on and support the commitment to Truth and Reconciliation.

Compensation from NNPBC for NP participation in division activities


Primary care nurse practitioners in BC are eligible for compensation for time spent attending primary care meetings and activities hosted by divisions of family practice. The funding comes from the Nurse and Nurse Practitioners of BC’s (NNPBC) NP Provincial Initiatives Program (NP-PIP) and there are two funding streams:

East Kootenay Division’s Dr Greg Andreas leads the new Curiosity, Frailty, and Palliative Care project


A member of the East Kootenay Division of Family Practice, Dr Greg Andreas is a family doctor who practices in Cranbrook. His journey through medicine is a story of compassion, growth, and a deep-seated commitment to understanding what truly matters to his patients.

Applications open for MOA panel management training


FPSC is accepting applications for medical office staff to take the Panel Management for Family Practice program through the University of Fraser Valley.

The program consists of five modules with a final quality improvement project implemented in-practice. It offers practical, skills-based training designed to meet the competencies of a panel manager, including basics of the patient medical home and primary care network, empanelment, registry-based care, and proactive and preventative care.

New supports for integrating a nurse into family practice


New supports for integrating a nurse into practice are available on the FPSC website. Developed in collaboration with partners including the Ministry of Health, Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of BC, Health Quality BC, and the UBC Innovation Support Unit, the supports are particularly helpful for practices participating in the Ministry of Health’s Nurse in Practice Program and provide a step-by-step guide through the process.
