Victoria Divisions of Family Practice

Distinct purposes of BC's health care organizations – a who’s who for family doctors

There are many health care partners working hard to make a difference for doctors and patients in BC. New members frequently ask about the distinct purposes of the Division and the various health care organizations.

To help physicians understand all the different players in the system, an interactive diagram by Doctors of BC explains the various roles.

(click the below image to enlarge/interact)

Examples from the diagram include:

  • Divisions of Family Practice (35 across BC) are community-based non-profit organizations made up of physicians who work together to achieve common health care goals. Divisions work collaboratively with health authorities and community partners to enhance local patient care and improve professional satisfaction for physicians. Divisions are funded by Doctors of BC and the Ministry of Health through the Family Practice Services Committee.
  • Doctors of BC is the medical association for all physicians in BC, and it serves as the political and public voice advocating for physician interests and health care system change. The organization negotiates compensation for physician services, and provides members with insurance, financial services and other benefits.
  • BC Family Doctors is the economic and political voice for family physicians in BC, providing a forum for topics specific to general practitioners. The BCFD works with, but is a separate organization from, Doctors of BC.
  • BC College of Family Physicians advocates for the future of family medicine and provides continuing professional development tailored to the needs of family doctors, residents and medical students to support the delivery of quality care. The College’s work includes supporting family physicians, celebrating their work, and bringing attention to the role they play in a person's overall health.

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