Victoria Divisions of Family Practice

Victoria PCN Learning Lab Q&A (January 2022 - Wellness Monitoring Program)

Last updated on: February 9, 2022

This Q&A answers questions arising from the January 28 Learning Lab on Island Health's Wellness Monitoring Program (WMP). 

You can view the presentation slides here. Please send any questions to Alyssa Beurling at 

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  1. What are the program's age parameters?
  2. What are the program's service days/hours?
  3. Does the program offer services over the lunch hour?
  4. Can non-PCN members refer to the program?
  5. How long do Wellness Mentors generally spend with clients?
  6. What is the client case load capacity for the Wellness Mentors and the program overall?
  7. Do Wellness Mentors refer clients to other providers directly, or does it need to go back through the referring Physician/Nurse Practitioner?
  8. I have several single, socially isolated moms with complex mental health issues and infants under a year - would the moms be a good fit for the program?
  9. Can the Wellness Mentors help clients find the right recreation centre/program and do you support exercise/recreation goals?

  1. What are the program's age parameters?

The program is for adults (19+).

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  1. What are the program's service days/hours?

The Wellness Mentors work between 8 am and 5 pm. No services are offered in the evenings, over weekends, or on statutory holidays.

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  1. Does the program offer services over the lunch hour?

Yes, Wellness Mentors adjust their schedules throughout the day to accommodate their clients’ availability.

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  1. Can non-PCN members refer to the program?

Yes, all physicians/nurse practitioners can refer to the program regardless of PCN membership status.    

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  1. How long do Wellness Mentors generally spend with clients?

Wellness Mentors typically spend 1-2 hours with clients during an initial assessment (depending on travel time), while regular phone calls are generally 0.5-1 hour long, depending on the need of the client.

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  1. What is the client case load capacity for the Wellness Mentors and the program overall?

Currently there are three Wellness Mentors taking ~40-75 each, which is not full capacity. It is expected that each Wellness Mentor could manage up to 150 clients each (~450 overall).

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  1. Do Wellness Mentors refer clients to other providers directly, or does it need to go back through the referring Physician/Nurse Practitioner?

It depends on the client’s needs. Although, where possible, Wellness Mentors will make direct referrals and notify the referring clinician via a provider note.  

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  1. I have several single, socially isolated moms with complex mental health issues and infants under a year - would the moms be a good fit for the program?

Yes, the program would be appropriate for single mothers experiencing mental health challenges. If clients are agreeable they would also be referred to suitable counselling services in their area depending on their needs (e.g., either private or MSP-covered).    

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  1. Can the Wellness Mentors help clients find the right recreation centre/program and do you support exercise/recreation goals?

Yes. Wellness Mentors will accompany clients on a variety of tasks to help them achieve their goals. For example, going to recreation centres with clients to enroll in activities such as water fit classes or accompanying them to shop for appropriate equipment (e.g., bathing suits). 

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