Victoria Divisions of Family Practice

Victoria PCN All-Neighbourhood Meeting Q&A (April 2022 - MHSU Consultant Service)

Last updated on: May 19, 2022

This Q&A answers questions related to the MHSU Consultant service, arising from the April 28 PCN all-neighbourhood meeting. 

You can view a recording of the presentation here. Please note that the recording also includes the Primary Care Clinical Pharmacist (PCCP) presentation (second half). Please view the corresponding PCCP Q&A here

Please click the links below:

  1. Are there any plans to add services for pediatrics (i.e., youth under 19 years)?
  2. What type of report or information is sent back to the referring physician after consult?
  3. How are referrals made to the MHSU Consultants?
  4. Will allied health professionals also be able to refer, or just Family Physicians and NPs?

  1. Are there any plans to add services for pediatrics (i.e., youth under 19 years)?

Currently there is no similar program anticipated for youth under 19, as this falls under a different Ministry umbrella. However, youth and children who visit the Urgent and Primary Care Centers (UPCCs) with MHSU needs will be connected with a Health Consultant at those locations.

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  1. What type of report or information is sent back to the referring physician after consult?

After a patient is seen by one of the Health Consultants, a letter is faxed back to the referring physician with a brief synopsis of the care plan and any important details. A letter is also faxed when the patient has concluded with the service.

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  1. How are referrals made to the MHSU Consultants?

Intake for this service is separate from the regular MHSU service that providers are used to. There is a dedicated fax number, which will be received directly by Katelyn Gordon (Victoria PCN Coordinator). Forms are available and optional (found on Pathways), although referral letters will be also accepted. Unfortunately, referrals cannot yet be received via phone as they are with the Physician Connector service, although a call can be made to Katelyn ahead of time if there is a time sensitive situation that needs to be expedited.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Katelyn via email (

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  1. Will Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) also be able to refer, or just FPs and NPs?

PCN services are exclusive to FPs and NPs, however, AHPs will be kept informed on other PCN services available to patients.

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