Victoria Divisions of Family Practice

Community Building

The Division is committed to supporting a strong community of GPs in Victoria. To that end, we organize events and initiatives aimed at strengthening our ties.

Monthly Dine & Learn Events
Opportunities for GPs and specialists to come together for professional development and networking.

Colleague Connections

Formerly known as Welcome & Transitions Mentoring, this program matches GPs so that mentors can offer peer support for GPs new to Victoria or transitioning into subsequent career phases.


Pathways was created by physicians and their office staff to improve patient referrals to specialists and clinics. For more information click here.

Annual Division Family Social Events

Whether it’s a late summer BBQ or a December holiday party, these are purely social, fun events for physicians and their families to relax and enjoy a day together.

Want to get involved? Contact or t: 1 877-790-8492 ext 1