Victoria Divisions of Family Practice

The Health Data Coalition's Discovery App

The FPSC is now funding the Health Data Coalition’s (HDC) Discovery app and encouraging divisions, clinics and individual family physicians to onboard at no cost. Both the Victoria and South Island Divisions’ boards decided to join. We hope that many of you will enrol to realize the full benefits valid local data can offer for individual doctors, clinics, divisions and PCNs. 

The HDC’s Discovery app is a physician-led and physician-governed data sharing application for collaborative quality improvement in primary care. Currently in use by primary care physicians across BC, the app provides secure access to clinical aggregate data from EMRs in a single view while maintaining both patient and physician confidentiality.

Using the HDC data can make your practice professionally more satisfying and improve patient outcomes. For example, family physicians can rely on the app to flag and properly code all patients who qualify for complex care or mental health care plans, ensuring patients have access to the full spectrum of care and doctors are appropriately compensated through the right MSP fee code. The app also helps you stay on track with any testing and monitoring patients may need. Comparing your individual or clinic data with your local aggregate provides insights … and can be supported by your PSP contact.    MORE FP BENEFITS.  “If I had to say one thing to my colleagues across BC it would be that if you spend a little time doing the work initially, the improvement in patient care and income will happen as well.”

“Doing the work initially” takes around a low time commitment; entering data is fast and convenient, it takes  ….. It can be done at any time you choose. Explain what doctors actually need to do? How much time does it actually take? How does it tie in with other data they already maintain? Family doctors who have completed panel management are eligible for a $1,000 FPSC payment if they enrol and complete the online orientation.

At the division and PCN level, the aggregate data supports local planning and decision-making processes. Clear visibility of chronic disease trends helps prioritize resources for our community. “I am excited to be part of the launch of division access to HDC Discover, as it will provide our division and our soon to be established Primary Care Network (PCN) with private, secure, and easy access to up-to-date primary care aggregate data from our six neighbourhoods. This data will help our PCN leadership decision-making on how to better support physicians and patients in our community.

Discover is compatible with the following EMRs: Oscar | TELUS Med Access | TELUS Wolf | MOIS | Intrahealth Profile.

Data is secure through ….and cannot be used by others. Clinics cannot be identified unless they choose to. The app offers plenty of benefits for anonymous users, such as …….. Only if you give explicit permission to share your provider-level or clinic-level aggregate data with another user or group through the data-sharing features. You control what measures can be shared and may stop sharing at any time. We take special precautions to ensure clinics and providers are not identifiable within HDC’s anonymized, population-level aggregations.

The Victoria and South Island Division will be training staff to work with HDC Discover to support various working groups and PCNs. The more members enroll, the more beneficial the data will be for all users.

joint division event with HDC is planned for the spring to demonstrate features and benefits in more detail and address questions. In the meantime, more information is available here:




If you wish to start exploring HDC now, please .... to enrol.
