Victoria Divisions of Family Practice

FPSC After Hours Coverage Program (AHCP) pilot - June 2023 Update

New target launch date and upcoming kick-off webinar dates

June 8, 2023

submitted by FPSC

The Family Practice Services Committee (FPSC), in close partnership with your Division of Family Practice and HealthLink BC, is pleased to announce formal approval of the After Hours Coverage Program Pilot by the Ministry of Health. 

With a target launch in fall 2023, the program pilot is anticipated to address one of the biggest burdens facing family physicians—as identified during Doctors of BC’s summer 2022 engagement. A confirmed launch date depends on successfully recruiting and staffing the pilot.

In anticipation of the launch, we would like to announce a kick-off webinar for those interested in both using the service and/or staffing the service. Webinar dates (identical content) are subject to final confirmation, but are planned for:
•    Wednesday, June 21st, 6:00–7:00 pm: RSVP here
•    Thursday, June 22nd, 7:30–8:30 am: RSVP here

Additional information will be sent out closer to the webinars. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with details about joining the meeting.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the After Hours Coverage Program pilot, please contact Myla Yeomans-Routledge, Project Manager at

For further information and the May 2023 member update please click here.