Start date: Anytime
Open to replacement MD, part-time MD, or MD associate as we have space for one full-time MD. Family practice associated with walk-in clinic, with about 1100+ patients. Average age 45-69. No OB. No hospital coverage. On call 1/22 days 1/22 weekends. Rarely nursing home visit, on-call only. Group practice with four other physicians.
- Group practice with walk-in clinic
- Permanent, full-time or part-time
- Average daily patient volume: 25
- EMR: Oscar
- On call obligations, nursing home/extended care required
- Work hours are flexible
- Four MOAs, eight exam rooms, two washrooms, computer monitor each exam room and same for each MD office
- Dedicated computer for physician use
- Wireless high-speed internet
- Parking available for physician - three dedicated spots
- Good potential for high gross
Contact: Dr. Saunders
Phone: 250-661-2489
Contact: Helen Welch