Shared Care

shared care

The relationship between the family and specialist physicians is fundamental to the delivery of effective health care, especially for more complex patient populations.

Collaborative projects, including Shared Care initiatives, can help improve the flow of patient care from primary to specialist services. By facilitating collaboration between family physicians, specialist physicians, and other health care providers, Shared Care initiatives foster mutual trust, respect and knowledge.

Through Shared Care, the Division can secure funding for special projects that are important to our members, such as Chronic Pain, Polypharmacy Risk Reduction, and Older Adults. 


  • Since 2012, 44 physicians have been involved in 10 projects


Check out ?the full list of our most recent projects you can get involved with below. 
Contact us to get involved >


Breast Health Journey

The Breast Health Journey project aims to enhance the access and continuity of care in Breast Health across the Thompson Region.

Breast Health Journey

Polypharmacy Risk Reduction

The Polypharmacy Risk Reduction project supports co-developed polypharmacy risk-reduction strategies and processes across the three care environments: acute, residential, and community. 

Polypharmacy Risk Reduction

Chronic Pain

The Chronic Pain project aims to enhance the spectrum of chronic pain services by engaging and supporting communication and knowledge exchange between family physicians, specialists, and other allied health providers to promote team based care. 

Chronic Pain

Older Adults

This project aims to enhance the access and continuity of care for older adults with chronic co-morbidities by improving methods of team-based communication and knowledge exchange between family and specialist physicians and other health care providers. 

Older Adults