The BC Medical Services Plan covers maternity care provided by a physician (Family Doctor or Obstetrician) or a Midwife.
For your main maternity care provider in Mission, you can choose to see a Family Doctor, an Obstetrician, or a Registered Midwife. The image on this page shows when you could see each type of provider and when this may change. The triangles in the image show the pathway to each type of provider.
For example, if you have a low-risk, healthy pregnancy, your main maternity care provider may be a Mission Maternity Clinic Family Doctor, an Obstetrician, or a Registered Midwife. Descriptions on the bottom of this page provide brief descriptions about each type of provider.
Family Doctor
Your regular Family Doctor will provide care for your pregnancy until he/she transitions you to the Mission Maternity Clinic, an OB, or a Registered Midwife.
If you do not have a Family Doctor and live in Mission, call the Mission Primary Care Clinic at 604.820.1021.
Mission Maternity Clinic
Family Doctors that will manage your pregnancy and medical concerns up to 6 weeks after you give birth, at which time you will be transitioned back to the care of your regular Family Doctor. Includes pre-natal classes and breastfeeding supports.
Note: Delivery and in-hospital care for patients of the Mission Maternity Clinic will be with the Abbotsford Maternity Group at the Abbotsford Regional Hospital.
Obstetrician (OB)
Provides care for high-risk pregnancies (e.g. carrying twins) and low-risk pregnancies. A referral to see an OB is needed. OBs are doctors with special education and training in the medical management of pregnancy, labour, and birth. They are qualified to manage complications. An OB can serve as your main maternity doctor, or may act as a consultant to your Family Doctor or Registered Midwife if you experience complications.
Registered Midwife
Provides care for healthy, low-risk pregnancies from early pregnancy onwards, and up to six weeks after you have given birth, including breastfeeding support. You don’t need a referral. Regulated and registered through a professional college. For a list of Registered Midwives visit: Book early to ensure availability.
Birth and After Birth Support
Doulas provide non-medical physical and emotional support before, during, and after birth. Please note that doulas do not do deliveries and costs are not covered by the BC Medical Services Plan.