COVID Information (Maternity Clinic)

COVID Information (Maternity Clinic)

COVID Information for Our Patients

All of us at the Mission Maternity Clinic are dedicated to keeping you and your family as safe as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic. In keeping with public health recommendations, we are limiting everyone’s exposure by altering how we see patients in the clinic. Some appointments will be changed to phone/video appointments, and office procedures have changed to reduce your time spent waiting inside the clinic. We commit to providing you with the best care possible to ensure a healthy pregnancy! We hope we can all work together to maximize our safety during this difficult time.

COVID and Pregnant Women

So far, there is no evidence pregnant women and newborns are at increased risk of serious disease over
the general population. We are continually updating our knowledge as new information comes out, and will keep you updated on any new safety concerns to be aware of. We strongly encourage pregnant women and their families to be following the recommendation for physical (“social”) distancing when not sick, and for self isolation when sick. Please see the following link for information about how to socially distance and self isolate appropriately.

COVID and your Mental Health

It is natural to feel increasing anxiety during this unpredictable time. If you are having difficulty with your mental health, you are not alone. Please let us know and we are happy to talk to you about any and all concerns you have. Please also see the attached link with some tips and resources for managing COVID related anxiety: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
You are also encouraged to call Mission Mental Health; tell them you are pregnant: 604-814-5600.


Click HERE to download the above information. 

Check out some of these links for more information!

Mission Maternity Clinic

Congratulations On Your Pregnancy

Meet Your Maternity Physicians

Your Maternity Appointments

Types of Maternity Care Providers

Maternity Care Resources and Services