Mission Division of Family Practice

Primary Care Network (PCN)

Mission PCN


What is a Primary Care Network?

A network of primary care providers in a community with patient medical homes as the foundation. 


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Mission Primary Care Network (PCN) is a network of Patient Medical Homes that utilize a team-based approach to care. This includes: Family Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Social Workers, Mental Health Counselors, a Physiotherapist, a Clinical Pharmacist, and an Elder in Residence. This model allows for increased access to primary care services and a more collaborative and comprehensive approach to patient care.

The overall goal of PCN is to attach patients in our community to a primary care provider. In Mission, we plan to expand on existing primary care services by focusing on the following strategies: transitioning to population-based funding, enhancing the Primary Care Clinic, enhanced maternity care, enhanced mental health and substance use services, enhanced Indigenous services and outreach services for seniors and youth. 


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Key Terms

Attachment: Connection to a Family Doctor or Nurse Practitioner

Primary Care Provider: Family Doctor or Nurse Practitioner who provide day to day health care

Patient Medical Home: Clinic or Community Health Centre where you receive primary care services and access to allied health providers. The focus is on collaborative team based care. 

Allied Health Providers: Professionals who help with services related to health (i.e. Social Workers, Dietitians, Mental Health and Substance Use Counsellors)


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