Nanaimo Division of Family Practice

How is this effort being led?

As we continue to move this exciting work forward, the following PCN Governance Model will be used to ensure effective leadership for PCN Implementation:

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The PCN Steering Committee, who is the main governing body for PCN Implementation, has been established. This Committee includes representation from Divisions of Family Practice/Physicians, Island Health, and Indigenous Partners. The PCN Implementation Team, who facilitates and manages the work required to implement the PCN Service Plan, has also been established. The next steps are to identify and establish the various Working Groups who will support the design and/or specific implementation of a service. 

Committees and Working Groups

Collaborative Services Committee (CSC): this committee provides high level oversight and support to the PCN implementation. 

PCN Steering Committee: this committee steers the implementation of the PCN Service Plan and ensures it is inline with our shared vision and values. 

PCN Implementation Team: this team facilitates and manages the implementation of the PCN Service Plan. 

Working Groups: these groups support the design and implementation of a specific component of the PCN. Several working groups will be enacted in the coming months for year 1 priorities. 

 Current Working Groups include:

  • Truth & Reconciliation in Health Care:  Acknowledging the history of health provision in Nanaimo for Indigenous peoples is critical to meaningful engagement and collaboration. It is a first step in working together to create primary care services that are culturally appropriate, trauma-informed, welcoming and safe. This group is responsible for leading our journey towards culturally safe care in Nanaimo that meets the needs of Indigenous community members.  
  • Additional Working Groups Coming Soon

If you are interested in being involved in a specific area of work based on your review of the PCN Service Plan, please reach out to Laura Loudon,

Nanaimo PCN Collaborative Values and Guiding Principles

Our Values: Respect, Relationships, Inclusivity, Integrity, Effectiveness and Innovation

Guiding Principles – Our Values in Action

  • We communicate by listening to and encouraging all voices. We ask questions when something is said that we don’t understand.  
  • We learn from the cultures and world views of others and embrace a perspective of oneness.
  • We believe that each of us is coming from a place of good intent, even when our words or actions may be off. 
  • We embrace difficult tasks and conversations rather than avoid them. 
  • We choose to do what is right over what is fast, easy or comfortable. 
  • We understand that this work is an iterative process that will require us to be flexible.   
  • We seek evidence-based solutions and recognize the need for innovation. 
  • We recognize the joy in the creative process and create a safe space to share ideas and take chances. 
  • We seek out sustainable solutions to improve the well-being of patients, providers, and our population.  
  • We consider risks and monitor for unintended consequences.   
  • We follow an intentional process to guide our work and ensure accountability.